22 year old Molly Agnew from Blackrock Co. Dublin had always vowed each year to achieve new year weight loss success. At the beginning of 2014 she decided to make a change in her life having looked in the mirror and thought this is not me! Whenever she decided to diet she’d lose some weight and then put it all back on. According to Molly, “I didn’t even know I was overeating – I’d eat and would not think about it. Having done previous diets I knew I had a problem sticking to things.
New Year Weight Loss Success
Each year having resolved to lose the weight come week 3 in January I’d have broken my new regime. However, this time I really felt determined and was upset about the weight I had put on. I had never been so big before and was very unhappy not to feel fit and healthy. I did my research and decided to sign up to Motivation Weight Management in February 2014 to get their support to lose weight and maintain the weight loss.”
Molly continues, “At first I found it difficult, but it’s the first programme I’ve actually stuck with. They were able to identify why I ate the way I did which was mainly because I was such a perfectionist and if things did go the way I hoped, I would either celebrate or commiserate with food. I have lost six stone in nine months and I’m just one stone off my 10 stone goal but I know I’II get there! I can’t believe I’m a new year weight loss success and my goal is in sight. I have got into a regime of exercise as well and I really enjoy the adrenaline of the gym, long walks and cycles. My self-esteem and self-confidence have soared and in the future, I am hoping to motivate others in the way I was motivated by the excellent staff and my Adviser who continues to support me to reach my goal.”
Molly continues, “people don’t recognize me now – I look like a completely different person, I threw out my whole wardrobe and I’m enjoying buying clothes, doing girlie things like dressing up to go out – just being a woman!! Shopping had been a nightmare experience I hated, now I just love it! It’s just so good to be on the other side of the weight issue, now I can get on with my life and enjoy myself – it’s a whole new lease of life for me!”
To speak to a Motivation Weight Management Adviser or to book an assessment consultation, find your local clinic contact here.